The California Farm Bureau Federation’s annual meeting is underway in Reno, Nevada. This year, the California Farm Bureau joins with the Nevada Farm Bureau for a joint meeting
California Farm Bureau Federation is holding its 97th Annual Meeting this week at the Peppermill Resort and Spa Casino in Reno. Annual Meeting attendance is made up of more than 800 volunteer leaders from across the state, including county Farm Bureau presidents, managers and board members.
A open letter from California Farm Bureau president Paul Wenger on the CFBF annual meeting states:
“We last shared an annual meeting with our Nevada State Farm Bureau neighbors in 2000. Many Western state Farm Bureaus share common interests, especially when dealing with public land and resource issues, and our joint meeting provides a great opportunity to get to know our fellow farmers and ranchers on the other side of the Sierra a little bit better. We sometimes receive questions when we hold an Annual Meeting outside the borders of our state, but our Reno meetings have historically enjoyed strong attendance. Reno provides the amenities and accommodations needed for an organization of our size, and a location that’s particularly convenient to our members who farm and ranch north of Sacramento.
This year’s meeting theme, Growing Agriculture’s Sphere of Influence, is extremely timely. Our influence in the lives of consumers throughout our state, nation and world are indisputable, both through the safe and affordable food products they enjoy daily, and the other agricultural products we produce that are so important to everyone’s quality of life. But all that is taken for granted, because it is so readily available and affordable. It is important that we continue to remind elected officials and regulators, as well as our urban neighbors, of the important contributions of California agriculture, well beyond the dinner plate.
We hope we’ll be graced by a plentiful Sierra snowpack as we travel to Reno but regardless, it is important that we gather to discuss policies and strategize on ways to increase the influence of Farm Bureau members. As we seek to grow our influence we must also grow our membership. At our Annual Meeting, we will recommit our efforts to rally all California’s farmers and ranchers to step to the plate for agricultural advocacy.”
Photo from the California Farm Bureau’s Facebook page.