Objective The primary objective of the California Almond Nursery Sales Survey is to estimate future almond acres based on the number of almond trees sold for new plantings. This report …
Non-citrus Fruits and Nuts 2013 Summary Highlights
In 2013, the Nation’s utilized production of the leading non-citrus fruit crops totaled 19.2 million tons, up 9 percent from the 2012 utilized production. Utilized production increased from 2012 for …
California Sweet Cherry Production Down 63 Percent
The USDA-NASS, Pacific Regional Office has released the cherry production forecast for 2014. The latest survey, which was conducted during the first two weeks of June, had the following results. …
Pacific Region Field Crop Review
Pacific Regional Wheat Forecast The California winter wheat production forecast, at 480 thousand tons, is 41 percent below last year. The 200 thousand acres expected to be harvested for grain …
Floriculture Crop 2013 Summary
Value of All Production: The 2013 wholesale value of floriculture crops is up 1 percent from the 2012 valuation. The total crop value at wholesale for the 15-State program for …