CAPCA Conferences Coming Up

Taylor HillmanCitrus, Field & Row Crops, Forage Crops, General, Grain, Specialty Crops, Tree, nut & vine crops

CAPCA Conference
Pest Control Advisors and others who deal with protecting plants will want to mark their calendar for an important seminar coming up.

CAPCA is offering the seminar in San Bruno on February 21st.
It’s for Certified Pest Control Advisors along with folks who have their Qualified Applicator License and Certificate..who want to stay up to date with the latest industry information.
Topics include continuing education requirements, diagnostic resources for tree and shrub pests AND laws and regulations update.
You can check out the agenda and register now for the half day seminar which starts at 8am at the San Bruno Veterans Memorial Recreation Center.
All you have to do is go online to AND look for upcoming classes in the middle of the web page.