California’s Weekly Crop Progress

Taylor HillmanCattle, Citrus, Corn, Cotton, Field & Row Crops, Forage Crops, General, Grain, Specialty Crops, Tree, nut & vine crops

Sabrina Hill checks in on cotton, alfalfa, and vegetable crops around the state.
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The cotton harvest is in full swing and the crop is about three-quarters harvested. There was some isolated rain, but it doesn’t seem to have damaged the crop. Alfalfa growers continue to cut, windrow, rake and bale, with good drying conditions around the state. Producers are somewhere between their 6th and 8th cuttings of the year. More than a third of the winter wheat field are planted and early planted wheat is starting to emerge. The winter wheat crop conditions are rated 75 percent fair to good.

Vegetable crops are looking good as well. Several counties are harvesting those fall vegetables we see this time of year like squash, carrots and pumpkins.

The only real problem area remains for livestock. Range and non-irrigated pastures remain in fair to very poor condition and we’ve spent the last several months among the worst in the nation there.