California Table Grape Update

Taylor HillmanGeneral, Specialty Crops, Tree, nut & vine crops

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The California Table Grape Commission says promotions with retailers are expanded to support the late season volume in export markets around the world.
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Late season runs October through January. Retailer promotions such as in-store activities with California grape samplings, and point-of-purchase materials to create eye-catching displays help to move California grapes to the consumer more quickly. Newspaper advertising will also run in many Asian export markets to boost awareness and movement of California grapes.

The late season period sees large volumes of California grapes exported and October through December is typically when the largest volumes of California grapes of all three colors (green, red and black) are in retail stores in foreign markets. Last season, California grapes shipped after October 1, 2012 represented 35 percent of total exports for the entire season, which is May through January each year.

To meet the late season export demand, there are plentiful supplies of green, red and black California grapes. Shipments in 2013 are running slightly ahead of last year’s timing, plus a larger crop is projected this year than last. In 2012, from a total crop of 100.3 million 19-pound box equivalents, a total of 22.3 million 19-pound box equivalents was shipped after November 1 with 21 percent of that total being green varieties, 70 percent red varieties and 9 percent black varieties. A similar ratio of color availability is expected this season.