The California raisin-type variety grape forecast is 1.95 million tons, down 13 percent from the 2013 final production. Based on the objective measurement survey conducted by the National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) in cooperation with the California Department of Food and Agriculture (CDFA), bunches per vine totaled 36.5, compared to last year’s record bunch count of 47.7. Acreage of bearing age is 200,000. The 2014 California raisin-type grape crop has struggled with lack of water. Hail in the spring hit some vineyards during bloom. Crop development is ahead of last year, which was already an early year. The forecast is based on the results of the Raisin Grape Objective Measurement (O.M.) Survey conducted in July. The Raisin Administrative Committee provided funding for the 2014 Raisin O.M. Survey.
The collection of objective measurement data on the California grape crop began in 1956. Grape bunches were counted, measured, and weighed in sample vineyards of raisin, table, and wine type varieties. The Raisin Administrative Committee funded the O.M. survey of raisin-type variety grapes from 1985 to 2001, 2005, and from 2007 to this year.
Data were collected the first three weeks of July. A total of 314 raisin-type variety vineyards were sampled for the 2014 data.
To read the full report, please CLICK HERE. (.pdf)