California County Farm Bureaus Earn National Recognition

DanIndustry News Release

Innovative programs earned recognition for four California county Farm Bureaus in annual awards sponsored by the American Farm Bureau Federation. Winners in the County Activities of Excellence Awards will display their program ideas at the AFBF Annual Convention and IDEAg Trade Show, Jan. 6-11 in Phoenix.

The Fresno County Farm Bureau was selected for its Valley’s Gold television program. The county Farm Bureau partners with its local PBS affiliate to produce programs that highlight crops, commodities and agricultural products grown in the San Joaquin Valley. The successful program has begun its fourth season, continuing to forge connections between non-farm viewers and the agricultural sector that fuels the region’s economy.

The Stanislaus, Tuolumne and Butte County Farm Bureaus won recognition for an Ag Unite event, held in Modesto in May. The event, which drew more than 800 people, stressed the need for unity among farmers, ranchers and agricultural organizations in responding to challenges they face. The rally generated new Farm Bureau memberships, donations to the FARM PAC® political action committee and to the Ag Unite Legal Defense Fund, which was created following the original Ag Unite event in Butte County in 2013.

In all, 34 county Farm Bureaus from 11 states were selected for the County Activities of Excellence Awards.