Beet Curly Top Virus Update

DanField & Row Crops, General, Industry News Release, Specialty Crops, Tree, nut & vine crops, Vegetables

California Department of Food and Agriculture

Curly Top Virus-pepper(Courtesy

Curly Top Virus-pepper(Courtesy

The Beet Curly Top Virus Control Program (BCTVCP) has been preparing for the fall treatment campaign which should start mid-October. Fallow fields continue to be monitored for beet leafhopper populations as well as host development. As the tomato harvest draws to completion, the program would like to ask growers to disk fallow fields with Russian thistle. This action helps to concentrate the beet leafhoppers onto remaining Russian thistle, allowing the treatment program to be more effective.

Fresno County

  • Program personnel continued monitoring beet leafhopper populations in mapped fallow fields that had abundant Russian thistle. As disking and sheep grazing of mapped fallow fields continues, they are eliminated as potential treatment areas.
  • Mapped potential treatment fields will continue to be monitored for BLH counts and Russian thistle development.
  • Beet leafhopper counts remain low. Average counts were 2 adults and 2 nymphs per sweep.

Kern County

  • Program personnel continued monitoring beet leafhopper populations in mapped fallow fields that had developed abundant Russian thistle. As disking and sheep grazing continues, mapped fallow fields will be eliminated as potential treatment areas.
  • BLH counts vary ranging from 0-5 adults per sweep with occasional nymphs.
  • Traditional treatment areas were limited in the southwest section of Kern County (Taft/Maricopa), as much of the area was in crops. Fallow fields of Russian thistle were scarce.
  • In the Mettler area, vegetation was scarce and BLH counts were less than 1 adult per sweep.
  • BLH counts in sections in the northwest, north of Twisselman Road, along Interstate 5 and west around Devil’s Den, near the north county line, were slightly higher with 3-5 adults per sweep. Host vegetation consists of Russian thistle and Bassia that was beginning to stress.
  • BLH counts were minimal in sections south of Twisselman Road, along Interstate 5 and west around G.P. Road and Lost Hills Road with 1-2 adults per sweep. Host vegetation was abundant.

Kings County

  • Program personnel continued monitoring beet leafhopper populations in mapped fallow fields that had developed abundant Russian thistle. As disking and sheep grazing of mapped fallow fields continues, they are eliminated as potential treatment areas.
  • Beet leafhopper counts were minimal throughout the county, with an average of 1 BLH per sweep. Toward the end of September, BLH counts increased slightly to an average of 5-10 adult BLH per sweep with 2-3 nymphs.

Merced County

  • Several sweep surveys were conducted in the county. Beet leafhopper counts were minimal in all locations surveyed, despite having suitable host plants.
  • Average counts were 0-1 adult BLH and zero nymphs per sweep.
  • A reclaimed water pond on the south side of Carnation Road had stressed Russian thistle and Bassia. A “hot spot” to the north yielded 15 adult BLH and 25 nymphs per sweep. This “hot spot” will continue to be monitored.

San Joaquin County

  • Several sweep surveys were conducted in the county. Beet leafhopper counts were minimal in all locations surveyed, despite having suitable host plants.
  • Average counts were 1 adult BLH per sweep and zero nymphs.
  • Sweeps conducted on purslane yielded 1-2 adults and 0-1 nymph per sweep, on average.

Stanislaus County

  • Several sweep surveys were conducted in the county. Beet leafhopper counts were minimal in all locations surveyed, despite having suitable host plants. Average counts were 1-2 adults and zero nymphs per sweep.
  • In some areas, the Russian thistle was stressing and BLH counts were 0-4 adults and zero nymphs per sweep.