Beef Leader says Farm Bill Needed Now

Taylor HillmanGeneral

Farm Bill

It’s a call to action for individuals in agriculture. Sabrina Hill reports.

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Colin Woodall is Vice President of Government Affairs for the National Beef Association. He says there’s still time to get a farm bill passed, and anyone in ag can still do their part. Woodall says with the elections weeks over, there’s no reason not to get the bill passed.
Colin Woodall He says before the election, there one of the drags in getting the bill done was the thought that there was potential for a change in the senate and could be some bigger cuts. Woodall says even though there will be a few new faces next year, the balance hasn’t shifted – and therefore, we know what to expect.
At the same time though, we have a couple of issues that have to be dealt with before the end of the year. We have to address the tax cuts and we have to get this farm bill done.
So far, there’s still work to do.