Bay Delta Conservation Plan Public Review Period Extended 60 Days

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 180-day period responds to public requests for addition time to review and comment

Lead state and federal agencies today extended the public comment period for the Draft Bay Delta Conservation Plan (BDCP) and the Draft Environmental Impact Review/Environmental Impact Statement (EIR/EIS) by 60 days. The review period now totals 180 days stretching from Dec. 13, 2013 to June 13, 2014. This extension will allow the public more time to review and comment on the public draft documents.

“Keeping with our continued effort of transparency, additional time has been granted for review of the Draft BDCP documents facilitating greater public involvement,” said Secretary for Natural Resources John Laird. “All public comments received on the draft documents will be carefully evaluated and addressed in the Final EIR/EIS.”

The Draft BDCP and associated Draft EIR/EIS are being made available to the public in accordance with the California Natural Community Conservation Planning Act, the Federal Endangered Species Act, the California Environmental Quality Act, and the National Environmental Policy Act. The 180-day comment period is four times that of the required 45 days in order to ensure the public has plenty of time to review the draft documents.

The public review draft documents are available online at, and electronically at libraries throughout the state. Click here for a full list of locations. If you would like to request a DVD copy of the documents please email

Comments must be received electronically or postmarked on or before June 13, 2014. Click here for more information on how to submit comments.