
Almond Update: Grower Events to Highlight Soil and Irrigation Information

Brian GermanAlmond Update, News from our Sponsors

The Almond Board of California (ABC) is hosting a series of grower events focused on soil and irrigation practices. The Digging In: Soil and Irrigation Field Day is going to be held over three days in three locations. Senior Manager of Field Outreach and Education for ABC, Tom Devol said they are excited to engage more with growers in the northern part of the state. The May 3 field day will be held in North Chico, May 4 will take place in Dixon, and the final field day is scheduled for May 5 in East Stockton. The field day includes four presentations that will provide attendees with valuable information related to irrigation and soil needs.

Grower Events

“Netafim is going to cover how to determine the best filter for your water needs and that can be complicated sometimes. So, I think growers are really going to get a lot out of that,” Devol noted. “Then we’re going to have Nelson Irrigation present on full coverage irrigation. In the north state, this is a big topic in the last few weeks when we had the frost. Full coverage is a wonderful irrigation technique for frost protection.”

ABC staff will be presenting information on soil sampling and measuring soil moisture. Representatives from Dellavalle Laboratory will also be explaining how to interpret test results from soil sampling. Each of the hands-on educational grower events will take place from 9:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. and lunch will be provided.

“We’re so happy to have the support of both Netafim and Nelson, who are cohosting this, and then Dellavalle Labs. It’s really important for growers this year and we just really are looking forward to getting the information out there,” said Devol. “We’re trying to do more events in the north state. So, we really encourage those growers to come out and meet us and learn what we do on their behalf.”

Registration for each of the Digging In: Soil and Irrigation Field Days is available here.

Listen to Devol’s interview below.

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Brian German

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Ag News Director, AgNet West