Hilltop Ranch Inc. reported that The Almond Board of California released the August position report.
Total shipments for the month of August 2015 were 126,165,342 pounds. This is compared to 141,692,000 pounds that were shipped in August of 2014. This represents a decrease of about 11%. Year-to-date shipments are 126,165,342 pounds, 10.96% below last year’s 141,692,000 pounds. Crop receipts as of August 31st were 344,387,859 million pounds, down 0.23% from last year’s 345,193,112 million pounds.
LINK – http://files.ctctcdn.com/c3267f21401/9650410d-18a1-4510-ae57-1e8d3fee8b6a.pdf