Everett Griner talks about the tough times cotton producers have had in today’s Agri View. Everett looks at what needs to change and what is in the future for cotton producers.
Cotton farmers have had some tough times during the last decade. They have made good crops. They haven’t made any money. Industry leaders say some fundamental changes have to to be made before anything changes. The main fundamental change is staying ahead of the competition. I guess that means producing more and improving staple quality. Mostly it means exporting more because that is what happens to most of the U.S. crop.
You know that over the next ten years U.S. cotton exports are expected to go up as much as 20 million bales. By then we will be exporting to exceed 15 million bales. The rest of the world will see the same rise. Possibly as much as 20 million bales.
Dumbfounding statistics to everyone but cotton farmers. And, they know what they must do.
That’s Agri View for today. I’m Everett Griner…