
Agri View: Peach Crop Outlook

DanAgri View, Fruits & Vegetables

peach crop
Everett Griner talks about trouble for the 2017 peach crop in today’s Agri View.

Peach Crop Outlook

Except for California, this year’s peach crop is going to be anything except something to brag about. Especially in the southeast. Not enough chill hours on the trees. According to industry officials peach trees need at least 1000 hours of temperatures around the freezing point. That is so the trees will not bloom and bud too early. Well this year southeastern growers had less than 700 hours of chill temperatures. As a result, this will not be a good year for peaches in the southeast. Which is a major producing area. We are aware of what flooding did to the California peach crop. But indications are that it will be OK. Now another note in this year’s crop summary. South Carolina is now the number 2 peach producing state. Right behind California. You might notice a slightly higher price this year. Who knows?

That’s Agri View for today. I’m Everett Griner.