Engorged female H. longicornis, dorsal view, about 10 mm long
Everett Griner talks about a new imported problem for our producers in today’s Agri View.
New Imported Problem for Producers

Unfed female Haemaphysalis longicornis, ventral (underside) view, about 2.3 mm long.
It is called the Longhorned Tick. It came here, to this country, like most other insects and diseases. It was brought here from East Asia. That is where it was found first.
The name tells you that it is a problem for cattlemen. Right now, it seems to be a growing problem in Oklahoma, Texas, and Arkansas. Actually, we have known about it since 2010. That is when it was first found in America.
I don’t know why they associate it with the name of cattle. It is a danger to wild animals, birds, even domestic animals. It will even attack us. Human beings I mean. Although I have not heard of it happening. It will transmit diseases of many kinds.
If you see one, or if you hear of one, report it…..immediately.
That’s Agri View for today. I’m Everett Griner…
Image credits: (feature image) Engorged female H. longicornis, dorsal view, about 10 mm long/By Commonsource – Own work, CC BY 3.0, Link
(bottom right) Unfed female Haemaphysalis longicornis, ventral (underside) view, about 2.3 mm long./By James Gathany – https://phil.cdc.gov/Details.aspx?pid=22873, Public Domain, Link