trade mission

Agri View: Farm Vote

DanAgri View, General

Agriculture trade concept with farm field landscape-farm vote
Everett Griner talks about candidates not campaigning for the farm vote in today’s Agri View.

Farm Vote

I’m waiting on someone who is campaigning for office to mention trade with other countries. I don’t mean guns, tanks and airplanes. I’m talking about wheat, rice and cotton. We export a lot of just about everything on our farms. But, it seems every trade deal we make, the U.S. farmer loses more than he gains. For instance, look at what a small country like Cuba offers. There has been a lot of talk about resuming relations with Cuba. All we have heard about so far is how Cuba will benefit from its tourism. And yet the only commodity I have heard mentioned is rice. Cuba imports eight-five percent of the food it’s people consumes. It isn’t just Cuba. Farm sources would like to see the whole North American Free Trade Agreement re-negotiated. Somebody is missing something!