
Agri View: Farm Income Outlook

DanAgri View, Economy

farm income
Everett Griner talks about the farm income outlook in today’s Agri View.

Farm Income Outlook

I’ve got several farm outlook reports this year indicating that 2016 would be a good year for farmers. I did more than one income outlook forecast that pointed to 2016 being a lot better than the last couple of years. But now, here is a new report indicating that all of those positive reports were wrong. Based on current marketing conditions and today’s prices farmers are going to need a lot more than government payments and crop prices to even break even this year. Those $7.00 corn and $15.00 soybean prices were 2014. But then according to my latest report prices and net farm income have declined as much as 40 percent. Now the only encouraging thing is this is the nature of farming. No other industry could survive such a natural ups and downs.

That’s Agri View for today. I’m Everett Griner