
Agri View: Cotton Problem

DanAgri View, Cotton

Everett Griner talks about the boll weevil is not the only problem for the cotton producer in today’s Agri View.

Agri View: Cotton Problem

The U.S. cotton crop is forecast to be smaller this year due mostly to market conditions. Farmers still have to gamble on weather, current as well as futures market and export demands. Well, one of their biggest problems was solved a few years ago when the boll weevil met its doom. That insect alone was the grower’s biggest worry before eradication efforts succeeded. It’s hard to realize that some of today’s growers never had to deal with that problem. It is also hard to believe that it has only been just over a decade since the eradication took place. Finally, it is hard to think that the boll weevil is still a menace in some parts of the world today. Brazil is one place where the battle rages. Now with all of that said, cotton growers still have as multitude of problems to contend with. Other, I mean, than just markets and prices.

That’s Agri View for today. I’m Everett Griner.


Image credits: (top right) Boll Weevil/by jwinfred, Flickr.