
Agri View: Butter or Margarine?

DanAgri View, Dairy & Livestock

butter sticks-2Everett Griner talks about some of the differences between butter and margarine in today’s Agri View.

Butter or Margarine?

What’s in your refrigerator? Butter or margarine? According to data recently published it is likely to be some of both. Margarine first came to American consumers in the early 1900’s and it didn’t score well with consumers. Well statistics show the average consumer it was about two pounds per year per person compared to about nineteen pounds of butter.

By the 1980’s margarine consumption was near twelve pounds per year while butter fell to four pounds per person. Twenty-five years later consumption was about even. Both down to about five to six pounds each. One factor that influenced the changes in the statistics was the content. Butter has always been made from the cream in the milk. Margarine, in the beginning, was from animal fat. The change came when we got into vegetable oil. As for health, they are both about the same, or so I have heard.

That’s Agri View for today. I’m Everett Griner.