
Agri View: 2017 Planting

DanAgri View, Field & Row Crops

Planting corn trailed planter in the field
Everett Griner talks about early estimates on the 2017 planting crops in today’s Agri View.

2017 Planting

Planning for this year’s crops was finished several weeks ago. Planters will be in the field soon. Some may already be there. USDA has already estimated the size of our two biggest crops. Corn and Soybeans. Surprisingly most crops will be about the same this year. Remember now, weather can change some of these plans. But early estimates are that it will be about 90 to 90 and a half million acres of corn and soybeans. Again, weather will play a part in the end. Too much moisture or sustained cold weather can cause some farmers that planned to plant corn to switch to soybeans, or vice versa. That is normal. But, what about the other big crops? Some cotton farmers will delay as long as they can hoping the prices will be better this year. Nobody knows for sure. But the planting clock is ticking. Weather will be a factor now all the way.

That’s Agri View for today. I’m Everett Griner.