AgNet West Exclusive Interview with Secretary Vilsack

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Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack

Agriculture Secretary
Tom Vilsack

Continuing coverage of President Barack Obama’s visit to the Central Valley
AgNet West Farm News Director Sabrina Hill had a one-on-one discussion with US Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack today before he headed out to speak with the general press.
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He later will accompany the President on a tour of Central California to survey some of the damage caused by the drought and announce millions of dollars in additional assistance. He told me he wants California’s farmers and ranchers to know the federal government hears them.

While there is $100 million dollars of assistance for livestock producers, Vilsack points out there are programs for specialty crop producers.

He told me the new programs will also fund feeding children and families affected by the drought.

Vilsack says that summer feeding program can mean the difference of a healthy child, or one who is left hungry.

I put on him something a state farming leader recently told me. A leader in California farmer recently told me “you can’t conserve your way out of a drought.” I asked Vilsack what he would tell that farmer. Listen to the audio report for his answer.