Ag Labor Settlement

Taylor HillmanCitrus, Corn, Cotton, Field & Row Crops, Forage Crops, General, Grain, Specialty Crops, Sugar, Tree, nut & vine crops

There is a million dollar settlement after nearly 20 years of litigation for California’s Agricultural Labor Relations Board (ALRB). Sabrina Hill has more.
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The General Counsel for the ALRB, the United Farm Workers of America, and Ace Tomato Company reached a $1.05 million dollar global settlement to resolve more than a dozen cases pending before the ALRB and in California’s courts.

It resolves a 1993 charge of failure to bargain in good faith, along with several 2012 charges of failure to implement a collective bargaining agreement. After extensive litigation this past year, the parties went into settlement discussions and reached an agreement that will benefit the agricultural employees of Ace and improve services and opportunities for the children of farm workers in San Joaquin County, which is where Ace is located.

The agreement is subject to approval by the Board of the ALRB. The General Counsel will engage in a broad outreach project to identify workers who are entitled to a share of the settlement funds. As part of the global settlement, Ace will donate a total of $300,000 to specific not-for-profit organizations. These funds will be used for programs which benefit the children of farm workers and promote their education, leadership and improved opportunities. The remaining amount of the settlement will go to former Ace employees.