Ag Day at the Capital and Funding Ag Education

DanCattle, Citrus, Corn, Cotton, Dairy & Livestock, Field & Row Crops, Forage Crops, Grain, Hogs & Pork, Poultry, Seeds, Specialty Crops, Sugar, Tree, nut & vine crops, Vegetables

Jim Aschwanden

Jim Aschwanden

Tomorrow is Ag Day at the Capital. A time when California agriculture is highlighted on the steps of the state capital building in Sacramento. But it’s what’s going on inside that building that has some in the agriculture industry upset and worried about the future of agriculture education.
Ag Day at the Capital and Funding Ag Education

Gov. Jerry Brown proposed budget cuts on the Agriculture Education Incentive Grant which provides matching funds to schools in California with agriculture education programs that meet strict guidelines. Jim Aschwanden, director of the California Agriculture Teachers Association comments about the governor’s cut to the Agriculture Education Incentive Grant.

Aschwanden explains the ag education budget cuts in our video. CLICK HERE.

For more on our coverage of the ag education funding, CLICK HERE.