AFBF President on House Passage of Farm Bill

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Statement by Bob Stallman, President American Farm Bureau Federation
Re: House Passage of Farm Bill

January 29, 2014-“The American Farm Bureau Federation commends the House for its passage of the new five-year farm bill today. It’s been a tough road for the legislation during the past two years, but we are pleased with the clear bipartisan vote that prevailed. We appreciate the conferees’ diligent work in making some tough decisions to put forth a solid bill and in getting it to this crucial point.

“We now turn our attention to the Senate for timely passage of the bill, which will provide farmers and ranchers certainty for the coming year and allow the Agriculture Department to begin planning for implementation of the bill’s provisions.

“Farm Bureau is optimistic the final 2014 farm bill will soon be ready for the president’s signature, and America’s farmers and ranchers can, with certainty, continue with their business of providing food and jobs for America.”