Labor Certainty for Food Security Act Introduced

Brian GermanLabor and Immigration


A new bill aimed at addressing the shortage of agricultural labor was recently introduced in Congress.  Vice President of Washington Operations for the National Cotton Council, Reece Langley explained that the Labor Certainty for Food Security Act includes several provisions that would help agricultural operations meet their labor requirements.

“It includes provisions that would help deal with the undocumented workers that are currently here and provide them an opportunity to come forward and receive a license so that they could continue to stay in the country and work in agriculture for a certain period of time,” Langley noted.   “The bill would also help improve the H-2A guestworker program by addressing some of the issues such as the adverse effect wage rate, bringing that more in line with the prevailing wage rate in different areas for different types of jobs.”

Listen to the report below.

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Brian German

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Ag News Director, AgNet West