WTO Panel to Review China’s Compliance on Farm Product Imports

Brian GermanRadio Reports, Trade

The World Trade Organization established a dispute panel request by China. The panel will determine whether China complied with an earlier WTO ruling regarding the administration of its tariff rate quotas. China submitted its second request for a dispute panel to determine whether it has complied with a 2019 ruling concerning its tariff rate quotas for certain agricultural products, including wheat, rice, and corn.

tariff rate quotas

The United States does not agree that China has complied with the WTO ruling, and notes that there is a lack of transparency and fairness in China’s administration of TRQ measures. China claims that it has fully implemented the rulings and recommendations in the dispute. The U.S. said it is willing to work with China to reach a resolution.

Australia, Brazil, Canada, the European Union, Guatemala, India, Japan, the Russian Federation, Chinese Taipei, and the United Kingdom reserved their right to participate as third parties in the proceedings.

The National Association of Farm Broadcasting and the American Farm Bureau Federation contributed to this report.

WTO Panel to Review China’s Compliance on Farm Product Imports