fire damage costly

Wildfire Recovery Funding Available from NRCS

Brian GermanAgri-Business, USDA

The USDA’s Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) announced that wildfire recovery funding support is available to California producers. Approximately $4 million in funding is being made available through the Environmental Quality Incentives Program. Rapid response applications from those affected by California’s recent wildfires can be submitted through local field offices. A quick response to disasters such as wildfires provides a better opportunity to avoid long-term consequences

Wildfire Recovery Funding

“Rapid response is key after a high intensity wildfire,” NRCS California State Conservationist Carlos Suarez said in a press release. “This emergency funding allows us to quickly support landowners impacted by recent wildfires and address immediate resource needs.”

The primary focus of the California Wildfire Disaster Recovery ranking pool is to mitigate the immediate impacts of the fires. Priorities include addressing issues related to soil erosion, hazard trees, accumulation of fire hazard debris, and invasion by noxious weeds. Beginning November 27, rapid response applications will be evaluated, and eligible applicants will be selected. The selection process for funding will continue on a weekly basis through the end of 2020. Applications are divided among six different descriptions. Applications should be able to be classified under crop, forest, pasture, range, farmstead, or associated agricultural lands.

Priority areas include agricultural land or non-industrial private forestland affected by wildfire. An emphasis is placed on areas where there is a low likelihood for short-term natural recovery and where the negative impacts would result in irreversible damage. The wildfire recovery funding can be used to support a variety of measures to help address immediate resource concerns. There is a list of 17 conservation practices that are eligible for financial assistance from NRCS.

Detailed information about the California Wildfire Disaster Recovery funding pool is available online. USDA Service Center’s remain open for business. Anyone wishing to visit their local office to conduct business will need to need to schedule an appointment to receive assistance.

About the Author

Brian German

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Ag News Director, AgNet West