Week in Review: Support for Farm Bill Proposals & First Almond Acreage Decline in 30 Years

Brian GermanIndustry

Industry groups and agricultural organizations are rallying behind the newly proposed farm bill frameworks from the U.S. Senate and House Agriculture Committees. The Almond Board of California reports that the state’s bearing almond acreage has declined for the first time in nearly 30 years. Governor Gavin Newsom signed into effect new developments for the California Water Plan which details water conservation efforts for the next five years. Cooperative Extension Table Grape Advisor for Tulare and Kings Counties, Joy Hollingsworth conducted a needs assessment to better understand the priorities and concerns within the grape industry. The farm bill frameworks from the U.S. House and Senate Agriculture Committees include specific funding for combating Huanglongbing. Subscribe to the weekly newsletter and receive all the latest farm news in your inbox every week.