Week in Review: Budget Uncertainties Put SWEEP on Hold & Clean Truck Check Deadline Coming

Brian GermanIndustry

A coalition, representing various sectors, expressed concerns about current supply chain issues exacerbated by pending and proposed state policies affecting freight, imports, and exports. Founder of Better Food Ventures, Rob Trice said that advancements in artificial intelligence have the potential to have a massive impact across the agricultural sector. Senior Analyst covering fruits and tree nuts for Rabo AgriFinance, David Magaña said that persistent inflation is one critical issue. The California Department of Food and Agriculture announced it will not be accepting applications for direct-to-producer assistance as part of the State Water Efficiency and Enhancement Program (SWEEP) at this time. The Clean Truck Check program requires that vehicles be entered into the CARB database and an annual fee of $30 per vehicle be paid. Subscribe to the weekly newsletter to get the latest agricultural headlines in your inbox every week.