backyard weeds

Weeds With High Medicinal Value

DanThis Land of Ours


If you are into foraging, Cathy Isom has some great tips about a few medicinal weeds in your backyard. That’s coming up on This Land of Ours.

Weeds With High Medicinal Value
Stinging nettle

If there’s weeds growing in the yard, there’s a good chance they could have medicinal properties. So before yanking them out or controlling with weed killer, consider these facts.

Dandelions for example, are full of Vitamins A, B, C, & D and have a history of treating liver problems and kidney disease. 

Plantain leaves – not to be confused with the Banana-like fruit grown in the Caribbean – can treat bronchitis, colds, fevers, and even stimulate cellular growth.

Essential yarrow oil made from yarrow flowers

If you have Stinging Nettle, be sure to wear gloves when foraging this amazing source of vitamins, antioxidants, and amino acids,  They are best used for kidney stones, joint ailments, and allergies.

Other weeds that have medicinal properties to look for:  yarrow, chickweed, purslane, chicory, and daisies, too.

I’m Cathy Isom…