
Ways to Keep Chickens Out of Your Garden

DanPoultry, This Land of Ours, Vegetables


If you are having a problem with your fowl fouling up your garden, Cathy Isom has some ways to keep your chickens out of your garden.  That’s coming up on This Land of Ours.

Ways to Keep Chickens Out of Your Garden

Chickens love gardens for 3 main reasons:  bugs, plants, and dirt. But if you’re wanting to keep your chicks from feasting on your harvest here a some suggestions.


You can fence your chickens’ favorite plants in with chicken wire, or you can put a fence around your entire garden. Or, plant herbs that give off scents that chickens can’t stand, such as Lavender, Catnip, Chives, Spearmint or Marigold.

Another consideration is making your chickens a garden of their own that includes some of their favorite plants and plenty of space for dust baths.

Citrus can also deter chickens from your veggie garden. Use orange peels, essential oils, or citrus juice to line your garden.

Another way to fend off chickens, consider using the following ground cover methods:  landscaping fabric, mesh or netting, stones, and ground cover plants.

I’m Cathy Isom…