Water Works: Moving Toward Better Water Stability

Brian GermanNews from our Sponsors, Water Works

In today’s Water Works, brought to you by AquiMax, California is not known for its water stability, but continued efforts have the potential to make water supplies significantly more manageable.   A study from the University of California, Los Angeles illustrates a future of weather volatility which necessitates a proactive approach from all sectors of the community in making better use of available water supplies.Water Stability

Conservation, efficiency, and recycling will each play a role in California’s water stability in the future.  The State Water Resources Control Board reported that statewide water use is almost 20 percent below 2013 levels. The reduction of water use comes after multiple types of public outreach efforts and encouragement to use more water efficient appliances.  Multiple recycling facilities throughout the state are also reclaiming water to address drinking, farming and landscaping needs.

Technological improvements will also help manage water supplies by increasing water efficiency as well as developing cost-effective methods for desalting brackish water from bays, rivers and underground reserves.  Researchers from the University of California along with startup companies in Silicon Valley are all looking at various approaches to achieve better water efficiency in a multitude of areas.

The agriculture industry has been a big proponent of equipment that reduces water use and can potentially provide cost savings in the long run.  According to the Department of Water Resources, between 1980 and 2014 the ag sector reduced water usage by about 15 percent while farm production value grew by 60 percent.

There will be not be a single approach that will completely solve all of California’s water issues.  The challenges facing the state’s water supplies are going to require a combined effort from various sectors of the community.  Altogether, the invidual measures have the potential to drastically improve the overall water conditions in California.