Although the concerns around the COVID-19 Coronavirus outbreak are front and center, there are other battles the agriculture industry are facing. Whether it’s unimpaired flow standards, SGMA, WOTUS, surface water, or water rights in general, water is one of the state’s top issues.
According to the California Farm Bureau, “Farmers’ improvements in water use efficiency have continually increased the amount of “crop per drop” produced on California farms. The state’s growing population and tightening environmental regulations have placed greater stress on the state’s existing water supply. CFBF works to expand water supply while protecting water rights, assuring water quality and advocating for flexible water management.”
California Farm Bureau President Jamie Johansson said now, during this pandemic, is the time where water resources are even more critical. “We’re going to continue to fight and make the case that now, is the time to make increased allocations,” Johansson said. “Make sure those water resources we need in the most fertile farming ground in the world, right there in the valley, are done quickly and significantly. So that we can continue to assure the worried consumer that we will continue to have food come the fall.”
Listen to the full report below.

Danielle Leal
Multi-Media Journalist & AgNet News Hour Anchor