
Water Movement Improved with WIIN Act

Taylor HillmanWater

water movement
There has been more water movement south of the Delta this year, and that increase is likely due to recently passed legislation. However, that improvement will be tested when drought conditions return to the state.

Western Growers Executive Vice President Dave Puglia talk to AgNet West about water news in the state last month. He said it is important to point out that legislation signed last year has improved water movement south of the Delta. “Passage of the Water Infrastructure Improvements for the Nation Act did provide the ability to pump more water from the Delta when conditions are flush,” Puglia said. “If you look at January and February, for the first time in my memory, the federal and state pumps were running all the way up to their designed capacity. And as a result, San Luis Reservoir is full today.”

Puglia said that improvement probably only happens in a wet year, however. “We know that the Endangered Species Act, and the way the federal fish agencies implement it, will continue to be a problem. Especially in years where we don’t have flood conditions in the Delta,” he said.

Listen to Puglia’s full interview below.