Citrus Fighting for Water Management Change

Taylor HillmanCitrus, Drought, Water

California farmland photo by Len Wilcox
Citrus leaders are staying on top of the water fight and a recent bill might have the steam it needs to take the first step for water management change.

Fighting for Water Change

California Citrus Mutual President Joel Nelson says his agency has been in Sacramento a lot recently to help push water change. He says change will be a long process and one bill won’t fix the entire issue.

Many bills have been drafted by legislators in the past, but Nelson says Mutual was happy with the conversation it had with Sen. Feinstein about her most recent effort.

Industry Support
“Senator Feinstein has never been shy about tackling the tough issues, and we appreciate her work to create a California water bill for the Senate’s consideration. The Senate must pass this bill so it can advance to a conference committee with the drought bill already passed by the House of Representatives.” – California Farm Bureau President Paul Wenger. Read more from CFBF.

“Passage by the Senate of this legislation will be an important step toward development and enactment of final compromise legislation to address this critical issue, and we support Senator Feinstein’s efforts to obtain quick Senate approval.” – California Water Agencies. Read the press release.