
Water Board Enforcement Actions Being Taken on Dairies

Brian GermanDairy and Livestock, Radio Reports

water board

Dairy producers will need to be mindful of potential enforcement actions from the Central Valley Regional Water Quality Control Board. Director of Environmental Services for Western United Dairies, Paul Sousa explained enforcements are typically occurring during the rainy season. A range of enforcement actions have been taken on six California dairies.

“Three of those are fines, just monetary penalties for what the dairy has done. Three of them are not monetary penalties – they’re not fines at all – they are just very prescriptive orders for how the dairy must operate its dairy,” Sousa noted. “Things that they have to do to prepare in the fall, like have enough freeboard in their ponds, clean out corrals, make sure that drainage is directed where it should be, applying what they should be to the cropland and not over applying.”

Listen to the radio report below.

Water Board Enforcement Actions Being Taken on Dairies
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Brian German

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Ag News Director, AgNet West