This episode of the Voices of the Valley podcast is brought to you today by the Western Growers Association. Supporting producers that grow the best medicine in the world. Find out more at WGA.com.
In the digital age, information is power – but data in a silo can’t reach its full potential to create prosperity. Enter Farmer’s Business Network, a farmer-driven information source that provides agronomic precision data to all its members. “We wanted to level the playing field for farmers,” says Amol Deshpande, FBN’s CEO and Co-Founder. With a goal of providing competitive opportunities for small farmers, the platform offers everything from data analytics to on-farm biological trialing programs. In this episode of Voices of the Valley, Dennis Donohue, the Executive Director of the Western Growers Center for Innovation and Technology, and Candace Wilson, Regional Director at FBN, speak with Deshpande about the power of aggregated data.