
Vilsack as Chief of Staff for Clinton Possible

DanIndustry News Release

USDA Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack
Politico speculates again that current Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack could be in position to become Hillary Clinton’s Chief of Staff, should Clinton beat Donald Trump in the presidential election. Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta is Clinton’s top pick for the post, but has made it clear he does not want the same job he held during the Bill Clinton administration. More than half a dozen insiders have told Politico that Vilsack, a decades-long Clinton ally, is being widely discussed for the position. However, Vilsack finds himself in the same spot he was in during the Vice President search for Clinton—a top-tier contender, but facing stiff competition. Beyond Podesta and Vilsack, Joe Biden chief of staff Ron Klain and Clinton policy adviser Jake Sullivan are also being considered. As for whom a Clinton administration might pick for Vilsack’s current seat, Politico says the top contenders to lead USDA include California’s agriculture secretary Karen Ross, former Arkansas Senator Blanche Lincoln, former USDA deputy secretary Kathleen Merrigan, Colorado Governor John Hickenlooper and former Kentucky Governor Steve Beshear. The Clinton Transition team told the Hagstrom Report last week she may even choose a Republican Agriculture Secretary, should she become President.

From the National Association of Farm Broadcasting news service.