USDA to Collect Data on Chemicals Applied to Vegetables

DanIndustry News Release, Vegetables

USDA_800px-logo_svgBeginning October 1, vegetable growers in 19 states, including California, will have the opportunity to provide first-hand information on their production practices when they participate in the 2014 Vegetable Chemical Use Survey, conducted by USDA’s National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS).

“This survey will give vegetable producers the opportunity to explain how they use agricultural chemicals and manage pests responsibly to produce a safe, high-quality food supply,” said Vic Tolomeo, Director of the NASS Pacific Regional Field Office. “The data will help support the policies and programs that protect the health and safety of agriculture producers, workers and consumers alike.”

NASS representatives from the California Field Office will collect data for 24 target crops, including asparagus, tomatoes, onions, broccoli, melons, strawberries and other vegetable crops. “The Vegetable Chemical Use Survey will help ensure that USDA and other agencies have the most accurate, up-to-date chemical use information, straight from the source – producers themselves,” Tolomeo explained.

As with all surveys, NASS safeguards the privacy of all respondents, ensuring that no individual respondent or operation can be identified. Responses to this survey will be kept completely confidential, as required by federal law.

The results of the Vegetable Chemical Use Survey will be released on the NASS website at on August 5, 2015. Please visit the website to see all completed NASS reports, as well as a comprehensive collection of other data on U.S. agriculture. For more information, call the NASS Pacific Regional Field Office at 1 (800) 851-1127.