USDA Pacific Region Monthly Poultry Report



California’s egg production during April totaled 389 million, down 18 million from March’s production, and down 32 million from April 2013. The average number of layers during the month totaled 16.8 million, down slightly from last month, and down 8 percent from April 2013. Eggs per 100 layers during the month were 2,321, compared to 2,418 a month earlier, and 2,307 in April 2013.


U.S. egg production totaled 8.01 billion during April 2014, up 2 percent from last year. Production included 6.96 billion table eggs, and 1.04 billion hatching eggs, of which 967 million were broiler-type and 75 million were egg-type. The total number of layers during April 2014 averaged 352 million, up 2 percent from last year. April egg production per 100 layers was 2,273 eggs, up 1 percent from April 2013.

All layers in the U.S. on May 1, 2014 totaled 352 million, up 2 percent from last year. The 352 million layers consisted of 295 million layers producing table or market type eggs, 53.5 million layers producing broiler-type hatching eggs, and 3.19 million layers producing egg-type hatching eggs. Rate of lay per day on May 1, 2014, averaged 75.8 eggs per 100 layers, up 1 percent from May 1, 2013.


Broiler-type chicks hatched during April 2014 totaled 749 million, down slightly from April 2013. Eggs in incubators totaled 637 million on May 1, 2014, up 2 percent from a year earlier.

Leading breeders placed 6.71 million broiler-type pullet chicks for future domestic hatchery supply flocks during April 2014, up 8 percent from April 2013.


Egg-type chicks hatched during April 2014 totaled 45.5 million, up slightly from April 2013. Eggs in incubators totaled 46.1 million on May 1, 2014, up 6 percent from a year ago.

Domestic placements of egg-type pullet chicks for future hatchery supply flocks by leading breeders totaled 243 thousand during April 2014, up 4 percent from April 2013.


Turkey eggs in incubators on May 1, 2014, in the U.S. totaled 28.8 million, up 8 percent from May 1, 2013. Eggs in incubators were up 6 percent from the April 1, 2014 total of 27.2 million eggs.

Turkey poults hatched during April 2014, in the U.S. totaled 22.8 million, down 2 percent from April 2013. Poults hatched were up 2 percent from the March 2014 total of 22.4 million poults.
The 22.5 million net poults placed during April 2014 in the U.S. were up slightly from the number placed during the same month a year earlier. Net placements were up 4 percent from the March 2014 total of 21.6 million.


Egg producers in California produced 5.05 billion eggs in 2013, down 6 percent from the 5.37 billion produced in 2012. The value of eggs produced totaled $380 million, a decrease of 2 percent from the previous year’s production of $387 million.

Nationally, the value of all egg production in 2013 was $8.50 billion, up 8 percent from $7.85 billion in 2012. Egg production totaled 95.2 billion eggs, up 2 percent from 93.3 billion eggs produced in 2012.


California turkey production totaled 365 million pounds (live weight) in 2013, down 14 percent from the 426 million pounds raised in 2012. Value of production, at $243 million was down 21 percent from the $307 million realized in 2012. The annual average price per pound in 2013 was 66.5 cents, compared with 72.1 cents in 2012.

Nationally, the value of turkeys produced during 2013 was $4.84 billion, down 11 percent from the $5.45 billion the previous year. Turkey production in 2013 totaled 7.28 billion pounds, down 4 percent from the 7.56 billion pounds produced in 2012.


Broiler production for California was combined again with nine other states (CA, IL, IN, IA, LA, MI, NE, NY, OR, and WA) to avoid disclosing production of individual operations. These ten states produced 552 million birds totaling 3.22 billion pounds. The average price per pound was 60.6 cents for a total production value of $1.95 billion.
Nationally, the value of broilers produced during 2013 was $30.7 billion, up 24 percent from 2012. The total number of broilers produced in 2013 was 8.52 billion, up 1 percent from 2012. The total amount of live weight broilers produced in 2013 was 50.6 billion pounds, up 2 percent from 2012.


California’s total value of other chickens sold in 2013 (excluding broilers) was $37 thousand, 23 percent above the value of a year earlier. Average price for other chickens was 0.2 cents per pound, unchanged from last year’s price.

Nationally, the value of sales from chickens (excluding broilers) in 2013 was $87.9 million, up 11 percent from $79.1 million a year ago. The number of chickens sold in 2013 totaled 185 million, up 3 percent from the total sold during the previous year.


Nationally, the April market egg price, at $1.09 per dozen, is up 4.0 cents from March, but up 44.5 cents from last year. The April broiler price, at 68.0 cents per pound, is up 3.0 cents from last month, and up 2.0 cents from a year ago. The April turkey price, at 68.3 cents per pound, is unchanged from March, and up 2.1 cents from a year earlier.

For the full report from USDA, please click USDA Pacific Region Monthly Poultry Report (full report .pdf format)