USDA Investment Seeks to Broaden Participation in Crop Insurance Options

Brian GermanAgri-Business, USDA

Crop Insurance Options

Two new programs from the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) seek to provide more support for crop insurance options for underserved producers. About $3.3 million is being invested in the new partnerships. The programs are intended to provide training support for the next generation of crop insurance agents, adjusters, and outreach educators for crop insurance opportunities. USDA’s Risk Management Agency (RMA) seeks to use the two new initiatives to further efforts to broaden participation in crop insurance programs.

“Crop insurance strengthens American agriculture, and we want to make sure all farmers, especially those traditionally left behind, are aware of the tools available to manage risk,” RMA Administrator Marcia Bunger said in a news release. “We have a lot of work to do to engage underserved producers in our risk management tools. These two partnerships will let us engage with communities that have historically lacked access to resources and education. Both partnerships aim to cultivate creativity and innovation as they work to empower, educate and provide outreach to underserved producers.”  

RMA is partnering with the Intertribal Agricultural Council (IAC) with an investment of about $1.9 million. The initiative is aimed at training and credentialing crop insurance agents and adjusters within underserved agricultural communities. IAC Executive Director, Kari Jo Lawrence said they will also be working with other partners such as Rural Coalition, Annie’s Project, and Alcorn State University.

The Southern Risk Management Education Center at the University of Arkansas System Division of Agriculture is also receiving about $1.4 million as part of a similar partnership. Risk management program navigators will be developed through the partnership, to support technical assistance available to underserved producers. Navigators will be specially trained by project collaborators to provide strategic outreach related to crop insurance options.

Each of the partners was chosen based on having needed infrastructure for the initiative’s mission and having a successful record of working with RMA. Since 2021, RMA has invested $3.19 million in partnerships involving 25 projects. The Risk Management Education Partnership Program has made the investment possible.

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Brian German

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Ag News Director, AgNet West