
USDA Ends Local Foods for Schools Program

DanAgri-Business, Economy, Education, Funding

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The USDA is discontinuing two pandemic-era programs that allocated over $1 billion to help schools and food banks purchase food from local farmers and producers. Of that funding, approximately $660 million supported schools and childcare centers through the Local Foods for Schools program, while a separate initiative provided aid to food banks.

The agency cited shifting priorities as the reason for ending the programs. “The COVID era is over — USDA’s approach to nutrition programs will reflect that reality moving forward,” a spokesperson said.

Proposed spending cuts tied to funding a Republican tax bill could further impact school meal programs. These cuts include raising the poverty threshold for schools to offer universal free meals and tightening eligibility requirements for food assistance. The School Nutrition Association warned that requiring income verification for free or reduced-price school meals could prevent eligible families from accessing food.

USDA Ends Local Foods for Schools Program