
Three Named as USDA Deputy Secretary Candidates

DanIndustry News Release

three candidates named
The list of candidates to serve as Deputy Agriculture Secretary boast familiar names to the Donald Trump administration. The Hagstrom Report says the list includes Charles Herbster, A.G. Kawamura (Cow-uh-more-uh) and Ted McKinney. Herbster of Nebraska was a big supporter during the Trump campaign and served on Trump’s agriculture advisory committee, Kawamura is a former California Agriculture Secretary and McKinney was Indiana agriculture director when Vice President Mike Pence was governor of Indiana. Meanwhile, Indiana farmer Kip Tom is considered a candidate for White House agricultural liaison. Taking over the Department of Agriculture for now is Michael Young, USDA’s Office of Budget and Program Analysis director. He will serve as acting secretary until the Senate confirms former Georgia Governor Sonny Perdue to the post. President Trump has sent policy adviser Sam Clovis to lead the transition at the department while USDA waits for the Senate to act. A team assisting Clovis will hire staff and begin crafting policy until Perdue is allowed to take office.

From the National Association of Farm Broadcasting news service.