USDA, Dairy Agreement to Help Environment

Taylor HillmanCattle, Dairy & Livestock, Environment, General

Tom Vilsack
The 2009 Memorandum of Understanding between U.S. dairy producers and the USDA will continue to help find ways to reduce the effects dairy operations can have on the environment. Sabrina Hill reports.
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The Memorandum of Understanding is an agreement between the USDA and dairy producers, first signed in Copenhagen, Demark in 2009. The main focus is to reach the long-term goal of reducing greenhouse gas emissions 25 percent by 2020. Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack says he is proud of resigning the agreement.

One objective of the MOU is to increase the construction of anaerobic digesters and explore innovative ways to use products previously considered waste streams from dairy production, processing and handling.

For the USDA’s news release on the agreement, click here.