
USDA Announces Streamlined Purchase Program to Supply Nutrition Assistance Programs with American Farm Products

DanIndustry News Release

$177.4 million in Commodity Purchases Announced

U.S. Department of Agriculture Under Secretary for Marketing and Regulatory Programs Greg Ibach announced up to $177.4 million in purchases for nutrition assistance programs using a new streamlined process. The American-grown products that will be purchased will be provided to families in need through USDA’s nutrition assistance programs.

streamlined“USDA is taking a more proactive approach in order to better serve our customers, ensure timely purchases for federal nutrition programs, and deliver value for the American taxpayer through safe and affordable American made products,” said Ibach.

USDA’s Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS) purchases a variety of high-quality food each year to support the National School Lunch Program, the Commodity Supplemental Food Program, the Food Distribution Program on Indian Reservations and the Emergency Food Assistance Program. USDA also makes emergency food purchases for distribution to victims of natural disasters.

Under the new streamlined process, USDA will proactively monitor market conditions and provide a more predictable and consistent process for determining when to make such purchases. For the first purchases using the new procedure, USDA announced up to:

  • $25 million for pork products
  • $25 million for tart cherries
  • $22 million for dried peas
  • $20 million for cheddar cheese
  • $18 million for clingstone peaches
  • $15.5 million for processed tomatoes
  • $12 million for dried plums
  • $11 million for dried pinto beans
  • $10 million for lentils
  • $9.4 million for wild blueberries
  • $8.5 million for Highbush blueberries
  • $1 million for red raspberries

Details on how vendors may participate are available on the Selling Food to USDA page on the AMS website. Interested suppliers may also call (202) 720-4517 or write to Contracting Officer, USDA/AMS Commodity Procurement Staff, Stop 0256, 1400 Independence Ave., SW, Washington, DC 20250.