United Fresh 2013 Convention And Tour

Taylor HillmanGeneral

United Fresh
The United Fresh California Fresh Impact Tour is coming to a town near you. Sabrina Hill has the details.
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United Fresh will kick off a two-week California Fresh Impact Tour on March 13 with town hall events and member visits throughout the state. Members will hear updates on immigration, food safety and nutrition initiatives from United Fresh CEO Tom Stenzel and have the opportunity to share their concerns and perspectives on the issues, as well as receive a sneak preview of the United Fresh convention, taking place May 14-16.

The Fresh Impact Tour will begin in Delano with a kick-off luncheon hosted by United Fresh Chairman David Krause, President of Paramount Citrus.

Other stops include Fresno, Sacramento, San Francisco, Salinas, Santa Maria, Oxnard, Los Angeles, and San Bernadino. The California tour ends with special events and member visits in San Diego, the site of this year’s convention in May.

For more information about the tour, click here.
For the main United Fresh website, click here.