
Unexplained Thrips Increase Helping Control Mites

DanNuts & Grapes

Courtesy: UCANR

A rise in beneficial insects against mites is somewhat unexplained but welcomed. There has been an increase in six-spotted thrips over the last several years. “We’re not sure why, but there are definitely a lot more of them than there used to be,” UC Cooperative Extension Entomology Advisor David Haviland said.

More biological control is a good thing for growers trying to control spider mites, and Haviland said an increase in more sustainable practices might have something to do with it. “As you know, the almond industry is making a big push towards sustainability,” he said. “The crop is getting greener, greener, and greener and that means that some of those beneficial organisms that used to be around in moderate numbers are now coming out in greater numbers than they have in the past.”

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Unexplained Thrips Increase Helping Control Mites
About the Author

Taylor Hillman