U.S. Scores Big WTO Win Against Indonesian Agricultural Trade Restrictions

DanIndustry News Release, Trade

The World Trade Organization ruled last week that 18 different import restrictions the Indonesian government maintains on beef, poultry and various produce items violate global trade rules, handing an overwhelming victory to the U.S. and New Zealand. Pro Farmer’s First Thing Today newsletter reports the ruling could help grow U.S. exports of a broad range of agricultural products to Indonesia that already totaled nearly $115 million in 2015. U.S. agricultural exports affected by Indonesia’s restrictions include apples, grapes, oranges, potatoes, onions, flowers, juices, cattle, beef and poultry. Indonesia can appeal the ruling to the WTO’s appellate body within 60 days. If it ultimately loses, Indonesia would have to reform its rules or face the possibility of U.S. trade retaliation.

From the National Association of Farm Broadcasting news service.