U S wheat

U.S. Wheat Competitive Advantages

DanGrain, Industry News Release

Trade Visit to Demonstrate U.S. Wheat Competitive Advantages

Quality control and purchasing managers from three Venezuelan flour mills will visit North Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas and Ohio starting this weekend. The trade mission seeks to educate the delegation from Venezuela about the value of working with the U.S. wheat supply chain, according to the U.S. Wheat Associates. Venezuela imports durum, high protein spring wheat and soft red winter wheat. However, current market conditions there have given durum wheat from Mexico a competitive advantage. U.S. wheat exports to Venezuela are not as strong as they once were, according to USW, in part because increased government intervention and limited access to U.S. dollars have forced millers there to make cost a primary buying decision. A spokesperson for U.S. Wheat Associates says the tour provides “first-hand experience will help increase their confidence in U.S. wheat.”

From the National Association of Farm Broadcasting news service.