
U.S. Milk Production Slows Increase Level

DanDairy & Livestock, Industry News Release

increaseU.S. milk production increased last month, but at a slower pace than seen earlier this year.

The Department of Agriculture’s monthly Milk Production Report found September milk production was up just 1.1 percent, the smallest increase all year if you ignore February, according to the website Milk Business. February 2016 was a leap year, so this year’s February milk production was reported to be down 1.3 percent, but on a daily basis was actually up two percent.

Estimated U.S. cow numbers also dipped slightly in September, down 4,000 head, but remain at 9.4 million. This is the fifth consecutive month of cow numbers at or above the 9.4 million level.

California again reported a drop in milk production, down 3.4 percent. Meanwhile, four states reported milk production up at least five percent. Texas reported a ten percent increase, while Colorado milk production was up 7.4 percent. An increase of 6.9 percent was reported in Utah, and a 5.2 percent was reported in Kansas.

From the National Association of Farm Broadcasting News Service.